In the frame of the STEADY Project, a series of pilot actions where locally organised by project partners. Four types of such pilot actions were planned, including: Including DYD in sports activities, promoting opening and coordination of innovation programmes of raising awareness on STEADY, Training of NGO professionals and sports instructors in the design and delivery of sports activities for DYD, help national and regional NGOs by promoting the establishment of objectives and cooperation agendas to involve DYD in sport initiatives.

These types of actions could take different forms in their actual development and implementation: organising roundtables and workshops to promote innovation programmes in the field, training NGO professionals and sports instructors, involving DYDs in activities, organising awareness raising events and a film project to promote integration of DYDs in parasport.


You can download the Final Report of Pilot Actions here!


This document reports on the Pilot Actions implemented: their rationale and context, their timing and setting, the numbers of participants and/or attendants, their activities and process, as well as their outcomes and results.